Connect Transit
Rebranding, logo and identity design
Bloomington-Normal, IL
With this project, the former Bloomington-Normal Public Transit Service (BNPTS) became Connect Transit. I worked with the client to completely rebrand the agency, from the name to what their vehicles look like.
The former name–long, clunky and unfriendly–was replaced by a name that says what they do and defines the value that they provide: they CONNECT people with: jobs, friends, family, schools, community, opportunity.
The intertwining swooshes of the logo suggest movement and connection, and hint at the two inter-connected cities of Bloomington and Normal, Illinois. The new logo is modern, friendly, inviting, professional and positive.
The logo may one day be used without the word Transit, instead simply using the word Connect to represent the agency as a whole.
A series of sub-brand logos were developed for specific services of Connect Transit, Connect Mobility, and Connect LateNite.
The project included the design of stationery, brochures, print ads, flyers, id badges, fleet vehicle graphics, and many other items. The proper use of the logo and application to all communication materials was outlined in a detailed visual identity guide.