
Hello, I’m Rick Schuster and I founded THINK Graphic Design in 2006. I am an independent designer focused on finding creative, clear and compelling design solutions that best meet the needs of my clients. I firmly believe that effective design can have a direct impact on the success of a business, and I’ve been fortunate to find clients who believe the same.
Making public transit information easier for customers to understand is a passion and focus of my business. I believe that clear transit information is critical to the success of a transit system, and I have more than 25 years of experience to improving transit information around the United States.
Learn more about transit information design
Good graphic design is a process of thinking, analyzing, and communicating. I must learn all I can about a client in order to meet your needs effectively. I need to get to know who you are, what you do, what you stand for, how you want to be perceived, where you want to go. This takes discussion, asking questions, and (most importantly) listening.
Since graphic design is ultimately a practice of creative problem-solving, a critical aspect of any project is to clearly define the problem – what are the objectives of the project? Only when clear goals are set, can effective design solutions be found.
I like to take a collaborative approach to design, involving the client in the process to ensure that the clients’ voice is part of the result. By actively seeking a client's input at the early stages of a project, I am able to narrow the focus toward a solution that is on target.
Though any design problem has many solutions, my ultimate goal is to find the most simple, direct and effective solution. Whether that’s a logo and identity that best represents the aspirations of your organization, print collateral that speaks to who you are and differentiates you from your competitors, or an information piece that communicates clearly and concisely, I strive to find solid answers. Get in touch with me and let’s talk about your goals.
Learn more about working with me